Friday 21 January 2022

Album Review: Raine Hamilton - Brave Land

Raine Hamilton joins a lauded group of like minded Canadian artists getting a channel into the UK market via a well connected route that has shared many hours of fascinating music over the years. This Winnipeg native draws upon the deep roots of folk sensibility and mixes in a wealth of classical calibre musicianship to create a body of work that sways between the easily absorbed and that which stretches the senses. BRAVE LAND has been drip released throughout most of the last year. However, traction is likely to be greater now the whole tightly bound eleven track album is out to share. The ever popular Bandcamp platform is a wise choice to utilise with its user friendly options and there are significant highlights to tempt the discerning buyer.

The musical content is very much a combined stringed effort. Hamilton is an acclaimed violinist who has teamed up with a fellow double bassist and cellist to curate a refined sound. Background info on the release describes it as a concept album with the mountains a strong theme. Ironic with a little knowledge on Manitoba's perceived terrain. Diving into the lyrical prowess is one way to tap into Hamilton's musical wavelength though it can be just as productive to lap up the vibes from lighter touch access. 

To contrast the content, ultra appealing opener 'Love Has Come For Me' sweetly massages your ears, perhaps softening you up for more complex efforts mid way such as the chamber chimes to 'Dominae Sanctae' and faintly spun 'Mountain Henge'. Wherever you jump into BRAVE LAND, detecting the heavenly crafted fare falls as easily upon both connoisseurs following patterns and mere mortals soaking up ambience. 

In essence the music of Raine Hamilton generally, and BRAVE LAND specifically, purrs with a classical coating adorning a solid base of acutely durable artisan songs. A distinct purity eases the music into the ears of those partial to the sounds of a western Canadian landscape where beauty is mutually aligned.