Thursday 11 July 2024

Gig Review: Lachlan Bryan and the Wildes - Kitchen Garden, Kings Heath, Birmingham. Wednesday 10th July 2024

Lachlan Bryan surveys the scene. Looks into the eyes of the seated Kitchen Garden gathering and surmises:

“Either these buggers don’t like football or there’s going to be some phone fiddling for the next hour.” 

The second half in Kings Heath kicks off the moment the first in Dortmund ends. 

An hour into the Wildes 90 minute+ set. Full time in Dortmund

“I’ve been here less than a week and given you a change of government and a Euro final.”

Thanks for July 4th, Lachlan. Hang around till Sunday to complete the job, if you don’t mind. By the way, do you happen to be in the States in November?

“I’m leaving the US the day of the election. Not sure I’ll be allowed back”.

Lachlan Bryan reads the mind of each audience member and muses to himself:

“These guys won’t mind a few stories. I’ll give Sean and Riley an extended rest. I’ve told the cricketer-cum-labourer one before but they won’t remember it. They won’t have heard the Willis Alan Ramsey one. They look like the sort who it would get it. David Lynch and Scarborough is literally hot off the press. I’ll end with the revised New York bar one. They’ll still get all the songs they want and a few extras chucked in.”

Driving home from this gig. The third time Lachlan Bryan & the Wildes have headlined the Kitchen Garden.A different experience to seeing them a few days earlier at Maverick. Reflections kick into gear.

Seven years of following the band has flown by. The songs gently evolve. Old favourites firmly embedded; new ones gradually seeping out. The impish wit retains a stronghold. The adaptability and breadth of expression is admirable. The impact of Riley Catherall’s solo material is progressing exponentially. 

Nights like this build the foundation of an eternal live music journey. 

Football can wait until the real domestic stuff returns in August. July is music. July 10th was Lachlan Bryan & the Wildes reading the room and giving a dedicated audience what they wanted.

NB Quotes are liberally interpreted pieces of fiction observationally driven by the writer listening and watching intently without fiddling on his phone. 

Riley Catherall