Friday, 29 November 2024

Album Review: Dean Owens - Sacri Cuori: The Ridge Trilogy EPs Vol 3

The final instalment of the THE RIDGE TRILOGY is released on 29th November. SACRI CUORI is the third sampler ahead of the new Dean Owens album due out in early 2025. In a similar vein to its two predecessors, the collection is a mix of a demo, preview track and three pieces from the wider process of recording the new record titled SPIRIT RIDGE. The latter are exclusive to the EP adding a touch of necessity for collectors.

'Spirit of Us' is the preview track and opens this five-song recording featuring John Convertino of Calexico. This haunting track proudly displays the Dean Owens quality trademark. It exposes the soul to life's fundamentals, while possessing the double pleasure of being both hugely personal and eminently relatable. 

Fast forward to the final slot, which is filled with a demo of the heartbreak number 'A Divine Tragedy'. No Dean Owens record would be complete without a dash of life affirming misery. This demo version has that expected raw feel, while we are informed to expect a full band version on SPIRIT RIDGE. 

The core of the EP contains two instrumentals and one song born from the SPIRIT RIDGE sessions. 'El Minuto' is the first of the former living up to its title in not taking too much of your time. 'The Gloaming' follows trebling the length of the previous tune. 'True of You' completes the exclusive segment and is a more conventional composition with a lyrical sentiment leaning in a greater upbeat direction.

Lengthy album run up periods these days can either be a succession of single releases or a more dynamic mix of teasers, extra cuts and addendums. The second half of 2024 has seen Dean Owens adopt the latter strategy. Success will be in the reflection. Ultimately the buyer can wait for SPIRIT RIDGE in its polished package or seek snippets of its making. The upshot is Dean Owens in a creative and productive zone, signalling good things all round.