Tuesday 15 October 2024

Gig Review: Salt House - Thimblemill Library, Smethwick. Saturday 12th October 2024

Back in 2021 Salt House played a gig in the area under difficult circumstances. The team behind the music at Thimblemill Library were not still unable to host live music in their home venue due to post-pandemic restrictions. In a valiant attempt to get things underway they hired the upstairs room at The Bear Tavern in nearby Bearwood to host shows. At least those tricky days are behind us and it was wonderful to invite this folk trio to play a return show in less turbulent times. The tag Scottish used to geographically describe the trio but in a recent personnel change Anna Hughes from north-east England has replaced the hugely acclaimed north of the border fiddle player Lauren MacColl. Big shoes to fill but on the evidence of this show progressing neatly. 

The original pairing of Jenny Sturgeon on keyboards and Ewan McPherson on guitar are still in place guiding Salt House to fresh pastures of recorded music in a style that elegantly blends traditional sounds with contemporary themes. The songs evolve from multiple inspirations many from the natural world. The key takes from seeing Salt House live is the harmonious therapeutic music drifting across pin drop venues such as Thimblemill Library. The fiddle breathes most serenity while the voice of Jenny Sturgeon adds some Celtic gloss. In combo, the new line up oozes with uncomplicated grace and the softly spun stories add further flavour to the mix. 

Further enhancing the Thimblemill folk experience was an opening thirty minute rendition of unaccompanied song by local vocalist and musician Michelle Holloway. She launched this solo venture in addition to fronting raucous band Bonfire Radicals at the Library a year or so ago, and the evidence now suggests something improving in finesse and delivery. 

Salt House's return to West Midlands proved a far more fulfilling experience. Obviously the class has always been there but this time a more conducive environment played its part in allowing unrestrained musical entertainment to run its course. 

Festival Review: The 7 Hills Blues and Roots Festival, Komedia, Bath. Sunday 13th October 2024

Matt Owens

Was it Hannah White shedding layers of country vulnerability in ‘Car Crash’? Was it Danny and the Champs reminding us to ‘never stop building that old space rocket’? Was it Robert Vincent pleading for us ‘to find a better way'? You could look wider afield and lay it at the feet of Matt Owens for his vision, passion, craft and sense of community. The sweet spot of The 7 Hills Blues and Roots Festival spawned from countless moments, but ultimately coalesced around the power of grass roots music to bring people together. 

There was a laudable motive of boosting the profile of UK Americana music in the good city of Bath. The knock on effect saw a multitude of folks from ‘out of town' descend on North Somerset’s regency gem to savour a line up right on the pulse of what’s happening at the back end of 2024.

Keiron Marshall

The evocative old cinema setting of the modern sounding Komedia proved an ideal location for this one day festival. The main auditorium hosted the big stage for half dozen full band performances and a makeshift space for a similar number of supplementary sets, purely defined by space not stature or impact. 

From a personal perspective, I was stoked to see seven acts wholeheartedly adored and respected get the call to play. Deal sold before reasonably priced tickets and accessible travel arrangements kicked in making this the wisest of music trips. The whole day was in credit before a chord strummed or new act seen. 

There was a third dimension to The 7 Hills; a stage in a separate location within the venue hosting local acts. The success of this side of the venture will need to be gleaned elsewhere but the aim is in sync with growing grass roots music. 

Paul Lush and Danny Wilson

The acts filling the main auditorium from just after half twelve to the stroke of ten o’clock possessed a wide degree of experience with most currently on top of their game. The common bond was a style inked into what we know as blues or roots music, though Americana is a useful catch-all phrase. 

Danny and the Champions of the World were as experienced as any and had the honour of headlining this inaugural event. The Champs may flitter in and out these days, often sparring for a place among the many other activities of Danny Wilson. However they are set be a prominent part over the next six months with a brand new album imminent and a full UK tour planned for next spring. This Bath appearance was one of a handful of pop up high profile autumn shows. We had the full current line up in place with a couple of guests joining for the finale. There is no such thing as ex-Champs, so let’s just call the invited Geoff Widdowson and Robin Bennett currently non-active Champs. The core line up of Henry Senior (pedal steel), Paul Lush (guitar), Joe Bennett (bass), Steve Brookes (drums) and Thomas Collison (keyboard) quickly found the groove and Wilson led in his usual convivial manner. The new songs will need time to bed in and it was left to a trio of old favourites to get a sturdy band of devotees dancing their socks off. ‘Clear Water’, ‘(Never Stop Building)  That Old Space Rocket’ and ‘Every Beat of My Heart’ sweetly brought back fabulous memories of many Champs nights. A happy place indeed. 

Our Man in the Field

The first full set seen on the day was Keiron Marshall Blues Band who played as a trio on the main stage. There hasn’t been many opportunities to see this exciting combo outside their South London base, but those present at this year’s Ramblin’ Roots Revue were blown away by a pulsating performance. A few present that evening made the trek to Bath and the treat of Marshall’s blistering guitar playing was lavishly repeated. On a day where original songs held sway, a handful of covers found a niche led by outstanding versions of ‘Will the Circle Be Unbroken’ and ‘All Along the Watchtower’. 

Keiron Marshall is widely known around the UK music scene as guitarist (and husband) for the increasingly popular Hannah White. To re-enforce the camaraderie among the acts, White borrowed his bass player and drummer when her time to shine came. The set included some of the singles put out this year as part of a release-a-month project. The performance sparked into life with a trio of exceptional numbers led by the ultra-emotive ‘Car Crash’. The country drenched ‘Broken Bird’ may be a couple of years old but matures as a vintage with each listen. The jewel of the set was the finale with the killer melody of ‘Chain of Ours’ soaring into ‘song of the year’ territory accompanied by a scintillating electric guitar outro courtesy of Marshall. Hannah White is now growing her live presence around the UK outside supporting big names, so many opportunities to see an extended performance can be sought.

Robert Vincent

Regarding the aforementioned artists on top of their game comment, this tagline surely applies to Robert Vincent. There was a case for his band show headlining, but an evening engagement cleared the way for the Champs to claim that spot. A late afternoon hour of the Robert Vincent Band complete with event host Matt Owens on lead guitar was no bad thing. His set is almost becoming overrun with anthems. The staples of ‘Demons’, ‘I’ll Make the Most of My Sins’ and ‘So in Love’ are now joined by burgeoning newbies ‘The Insider’, ‘Burden’ and  'Follow What You Love and Love Will Follow’. This amazing trio from an equally amazing new album is blowing away all 2024 song contenders and taking the ever entertaining Vincent into new realms of stellar songwriting. 

Lauren Housley shared her admiration for Robert Vincent when playing immediately before her fellow northerner, albeit hailing from the other side of the Pennines. The dovetailed stages meant the music was seamless all day. Therefore an opportunity to avoid taking a breather if so desired. Housley brought her full Northern Cowboys contingent south with bass and drums joining guitarist/husband Thomas Dibb. She is in a good place at the moment. Bringing her young family to shows is a boost and these are becoming more prevalent despite being in a clear space between album releases. Housley and her band have nailed the country soul sound within the UK Americana community. A colourful attire and bouncy personality complement the far reaching vocal acumen. Recording a Candi Staton song in Muscle Shoals is enough to inspire any artist and the pride was brimming throughout a sparkling forty-minute exhibition.

Hannah White

Musicians playing multiple sets during festivals is a feature of grass roots music. Among those extra active today were Jim Godfrey (keyboard for both Robert Vincent and Matt Owens) and Henry Senior (long term pedal steel player for The Champs and now an integral part of Our Man in the Field). OMITF to give them an increasingly familiar acronym were another outfit to bring a full complement to 7 Hills. Drums, bass, cello and steel joined front man Alex Ellis to power a bunch of songs rich in tone and mesmeric in rhythm. Get onto the wavelength of OMITF and a satisfying zone of hypnotic music can be found. Prominent upfront bass plays its part alongside the alluring vocal and writing style of Ellis. ‘Go on Easy’ was a classy closer. 

The ‘magnificent seven’ who proved the initial draw was completed by Matt Owens and the Delusional Vanity Project. Forever the courteous host, Owens sacrificed a slice of his set when the tight running schedule hit a glitch. However, in the time permitted his band rocked and vibes reverberated around the Komedia displaying what a fine performer this ex-member of Noah and the Whale is. Songs from his latest album filled the air joined by older numbers such as the mellower ‘Cargo for the Road’ accompanied by the complementary Hannah White. While it was no doubt a stressful day for Matt Owens, the release of playing a storming set among friends must have been awesome. 

Of course the event wasn’t confined to these long term favourites. Unfortunately, a bus and coach trip from Stourbridge to Bath via Birmingham and Bristol meant only the tail end of Phil Hooley’s set was caught. Maybe next time will be more convenient as support for his music has been provided in the past. Another early performance partially witnessed was Sweet Giant. This style of indie-rock once defined my youth, but now only briefly features at eclectic festivals attended ie folky ones inserting a bit of oomph. A new act to me in Supalong was another rock-infused affair with the front man being a familiar name in Sam Brookes. Definitely a different sound to what was heard from him before, but still a performance to take something from. 

Lauren Housley

Leading the blues segment as prescribed in the festival name was Mississippi Macdonald, a recent UK award recipient. This set was enjoyed by a sizeable gathering, and aficionados of the genre present gave their approval. ‘Headlining’ the smaller space was Gary Stringer from 90s Brit rockers Reef - a nearby Somerset resident offering a local flavour. The songs clearly resonated with a select assortment at the front of the stage. 

Having floated several potential stars of The 7 Hills Blues and Roots Festival, you have to settle on the spirited desire of Matt Owens to promote and play an event so warningly received. He will no doubt pay homage to all the assistance provided as no one person can single handedly run an event, even on a moderate scale. If this festival, whose name could only refer to the home of its architect, retains a one off status, a fully appreciated day will linger long in the memories of those in attendance. On the other hand, folks from the Midlands, the North and the South-East may well just be prepared to keep their busy gig diaries free for a renewal in October 2025. Either way the soul of wider grassroots music and more genre-defined UK Americana is safe in the hands of inspirational enablers, aspirational artists and dedicated fans.